While spinal adjustments are the cornerstone of chiropractic care, we also offer a few different therapies to complement your adjustments. Your chiropractor will determine which, if any, of these therapies would be beneficial as a part of your care plan.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Often referred to as “muscle stim,” the therapy involves low levels of electrical impulses delivered to the injured, painful tissues to reduce pain and speed healing. These impulses stimulate the body to release natural pain relievers, called endorphins. These endorphins reduce pain and inflammation, thereby promoting faster healing of the injured tissues. This therapy is often used to treat acute or chronic pain, as well as strains or sprains of the muscles, joints, and soft tissues of the spine and extremities.
Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression is a non-surgical and drug-free answer for disc related problems of the lumbar or cervical spine. Many people have found relief from the pain associated with herniated discs, bulging discs, facet syndrome, degenerative joint disease, pinched nerves, and other spinal afflictions using decompression therapy. Decompression increases circulation into the spinal discs and joints, thus helping to relieve the symptoms that cause pain and dysfunction.
Therapeutic ultrasound is a form of deep heat therapy that utilizes sound waves to treat injured muscles, joints, and soft tissues. The sound waves vibrate the tissues back and forth, creating a deep, micro-massage effect. In the case of a recent injury, this helps to decrease scar tissue and adhesion formation, which would otherwise interfere with the body’s healing process. The sound waves also decrease inflammation by destroying unwanted inflammatory cells and accelerate healing by stimulating the activity of the cells responsible for cellular and tissue repair. In chronic cases, special settings are used to create a deep-heating effect, heating the tissues far below the skin’s surface. This heat, along with the vibrations that are caused by the ultrasound, help to “melt away” the muscle spasms and “knots” felt in our muscles.
Cold Laser (Light therapy)
Cold Laser increases the formation of new capillaries, which are additional blood vessels that replace damaged ones. New capillaries speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen as well as more nutrients needed for healing. It also stimulates the production of collagen, an essential protein used to repair damaged tissue, and to replace old tissue which allows less scar tissue to be formed at the damaged site. It can be extremely useful in the healing of injuries such as sprains and fractures.
Deep Tissue Laser Therapy
Deep Tissue Laser therapy is a non-invasive technique to help reduce pain and inflammation. Click here for more information.
Myofascial Taping
Myofascial tape helps to:
- “Turn down the volume” on pain by affecting the nerve endings and different types of receptors in the skin of the injured area.
- Decompresses the area of swelling and inflammation. This allows for greater blood flow to and from an area, all while allowing the by-products created by inflammation to be removed more quickly.
- Delays muscle fatigue. In rehab, this is very important, not only for the parts of your body that are currently hurting, but also for the surrounding areas as they help to pick up the slack for muscles that are currently not working well.
- It normalizes muscle tone. For instance, research has shown that people who sprain their ankle tend to have altered activity of their hip muscle as a result. The tape helps bring dormant muscle back to life and help calm down the overactive muscles, so the body can heal properly.