Massage Therapy and Chiropractic: A Great Combination!
For many years I avoided going to a chiropractor (let’s say I was a little phobic). I was plagued with lower back pain after my first child and that pain became crippling after my second was born three years later. I finally found a chiropractor that I could connect with and she had this wonderful intern named Jodi Church working for her. So when Jodi opened her own practice in Shakopee, I followed with my family in toe.
Through the years, I have had a variety of massage therapists and have found massage to help between adjustments. While each massage therapist is different, the end results are usually the same. I feel released of stress, my back and well-being are in better health.
Take an hour to get to know Irina, the new massage therapist. Let her know what your expectations are for the massage appointment (help her to help you).
You will not be disappointed.